Leading Professors of Nephrology and Dialysis Technology
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Many of the top scientists in the field of nephrology (kidney care, and the treatment of kidney disease) are finding new ways to apply science and technology inspired by nature and other medical fields to kidney care, and to improving the quality of dialysis care worldwide. Professors featured on this list are getting to the heart of the diseases that require dialysis support and using techniques like stem cell research and alternative medicine to improve our understanding of kidney disease and the effectiveness of various technologies and treatments in combatting it. These professors are today’s leaders in advancing and teaching nephrology and dialysis technology.

Cynthia R. Christiano
MDEast Carolina University - Greenville , NC
Dr. Christiano is the Division Chief of Nephrology and Dialysis Technology at ECU. Her clinical research regarding late CKD, Dialysis, and Dialysis Water Treatment has earned her national recognition. In 2006, she worked with several colleagues to develop a late-stage dialysis machine based on a heart-lung machine. The machine earned her a national resident research award, a Business Leadership Award from North Carolina State University, and honorable mention from the American Society of Hypertension (ASH).

Joseph V. Bonventre
MD, PhDHarvard University - Cambridge , MA
Dr. Bonventre is the Chief of the Renal Unit at Brigham and Women's Hospital in addition to being the Director of the Biomedical Engineering Division. As a star member of the Harvard Medical School faculty, his research with stem cells and kidney disease is some of the most cutting edge in the field of Dialysis Technology. In addition, he is a Past President of the ASN and was awarded the Osler Medal of the Royal International Society of Physicians, two merit awards by the NIH, and the Bywaters Award by the International Society of Nephrology.

Sharon Moe
MDIndiana University - Indianapolis , IN
As a professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology and the Director of the Division of Nephrology at IU, Dr. Moe brings a biological emphasis to her dialysis technology courses. She is a celebrated researcher on areas such as kidney disease and its relationship with bone disorders and calcification of bones. She is an active member of the American Society of Clinical Investigation (ASCI) and currently serves as the Past President for the American Society of Nephrology (ASN). She is also on the Editorial Board for the JASN.

Bruce Molitoris
MDIndiana University - Indianapolis , IN
Dr. Molitoris is one of the key members of the IU Nephrology Department, and an important professor in the world of Dialysis Technology. His personal research focuses on the cell biology of acute renal failure. Dr. Molitoris is also the acting President of the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) in addition to being on the Editorial Board of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN).

Karl A. Nath
MDMayo Clinic - Phoenix , AZ
Dr. Nath is the Director of the Clinician-Investigator Training Program at the venerable Mayo Clinic. His personal research focuses on kidney injury and adaptation, specifically as it relates to stress mechanisms. He has been published over 100 times in peer-reviewed journals, and is currently the Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN).

Phillip D. Bell
PhDMedical University of South Carolina - Charleston , SC
Dr. Bell is the Endowed Chair of the Division of Nephrology as well as a professor of medicine at MUSC. In addition, he is the Head of the Renal Biology Laboratory. His research has provided him many publication and editorial opportunities, and he currently acts as the Associate Editor for the American Journal of Physiology: Renal Physiology. In 2010, he received the Gottschalk Award from the American Physiological Society (APS).

Susan E. Quaggin
MDNorthwestern University - Evanston , IL
Dr. Quaggin is a world-renowed teacher and researcher in the field of Dialysis and Biological Technology. Her work with new ways to understand capillary formation have formed the bedrock for myriad technological advancements in treating renal and kidney ailments. She received the 2009 Medal for Excellence from the Kidney Foundation of Canada, and is the past Deputy Editor of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. She is currently the Presidential Appointee for the ISN.

Sharon Anderson
MDOregon Health and Sciences University - Portland , OR
Dr. Anderson's work with diabetic nephropathy has changed the way that doctors provide care for sufferers of kidney disease. As a Past President of the ASN, she was committed to increasing the mentorship of young dialysis technicians and nephrologists. In addition, she was the first female President of the organization. She has published more than 150 peer-reviewed papers, is the Past Chair of the Nephrology Board for the American Board of Internal Medicine, and sits on the Executive Board for Women In Nephrology (WIN).

Jennifer Pollock
PhDUniversity of Alabama - Birmingham - Birmingham , AL
Dr. Pollock teaches Nephrology and Kidney Studies at the UAB. She is nationally recognized for both her student mentorship and research, as evidenced by her recent Distinguished Mentor and Scientist Award from the American Physiological Society. Her research focuses on nitric oxide regulation in the kidneys, specifically in regards to hypertension, diabetes, and cardio-renal dysfunction.

Isidro B. Salusky
MCUniversity of California - Los Angeles - Los Angeles , CA
Dr. Salusky is well-known as a teacher, program director, and researcher. Not only is he the Director of the Clinical & Translational Research Laboratory, he is the Chief of Pediatric Nephrology and the Director of the Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Service. He is very active in the International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA), and recently served as the Secretary General (2014). He also serves on the Editorial Board of the American Journal of Kidney Diseases and the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

Keith C. Norris
MD, PhDUniversity of California - Los Angeles - Los Angeles , CA
Dr. Norris is a renowned teacher of Renal Pathophysiology and other Dialysis Technology-related courses. He is the Associate Director of the UCLA Clinical and Transitional Science Institute. He is very invested in scholarly publication and has served as the Chair of the National Kidney Foundation KEEP publication subcommittee. He is also an Associate Editor for the JASN. He is the former President of the Research Centers in Minority Institutions Program Association

Joachim H. Ix
MD, MC, MAS, FASNUniversity of California - San Diego - San Diego , CA
Dr. Ix is a professor and the Chief of Nephrology-Hypertension at the UCSD. In addition his on-campus activities, he is very active in the American Heart Association (AHA). In 2010, Ix received the Excellence in Cardiovascular or Hypertension Epidemiology from the AHA Council on Epidemiology and Prevention. He is also the Associate Editor for the American Journal of Kidney Diseases and a standing member of the NIH study section on Kidney Nutrition Obesity and Diabetes (KNOD).

Ronald Falk
MDUniversity of North Carolina - Chapel Hill , NC
Dr. Falk is a Distinguished Professor of Medicine, the Chief of the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, and the Director of the Kidney Center at UNC. He is also very active in the ASN, serving as the Deputy Editor of its publication NephSAP and the President of the organization in 2011. He has been recognized as one of the "Best Doctors in America," every year since 1992 and serves on the Editorial Board of publications like JASN and Kidney International.

Stuart J. Shankland
MD, MBA, FRCPUniversity of Washington - Seattle , WA
Dr. Shankland is an Endowed Professor and the Head of the Department of Nephrology at UW. His is an avid researcher and writer, and has served on the Editorial Boards of publications like Seminar in Nephrology and Kidney International. He has also been the Associate Editor of the JASN (2001-2006). Shankland is also a member of the Executive Board of the International Society of Nephrology as the Treasurer.
Each of the members on this list has been chosen through careful research based on the following criteria:
1. Active Teaching. All of these professors are actively teaching or mentoring students at an accredited college.
2. Publication. Many of these professors have been published in online or print professional journals.
3. Thought Leadership. Professors on this list have been chosen due to their leadership in the dialysis technology or nephrology community.
4. Extracurricular Involvement. Each of these individuals is involved in both teaching and outside professional engagements, such as professional communities, educational organizations, or industry advocacy and activism groups.