Interviews & Features

These medical technology features offer insights from seasoned professionals in the field through interviews and expert-written content. They explore issues within specific medical field communities, what to know before entering various careers, and valuable perspectives from contemporary leaders and professors.
scholarship concept - mortarboard atop a money roll

Are you considering a career in anesthesiology but want to be sure that you can pay for school? Luckily there are a number of anesthesiologist scholarships available for medical students, nurses, and anesthesia assistants. With the right documentation and tenacity, you can get help paying for an anesthesia education and jumpstart your healthcare career.

As technological advancements unlock new capabilities, medical coding will continue to adapt and innovate, promising even more integration, security, and global collaboration in the future.

sunrise outside, behind desk with laptop, coffee and mobile phone

Digital wellness technologies refer to various tools and applications designed to promote and improve holistic well-being in the digital age. These technologies encompass various platforms, including mobile apps, wearable devices, and online programs specifically developed to monitor and enhance physical, mental, and emotional health

Healthcare is a rapidly growing field and the need for skilled, compassionate professionals is expected to accelerate in the next decade. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for healthcare and related technical jobs is expected to grow 13 percent between 2021 and 2031.

Young scientists analyzing substances in laboratory

The necessity of fertility treatments cannot be overstated in today's society, where many couples face challenges on their path to parenthood: “One out of six couples are going to suffer from infertility, and those are couples who are trying it on their own. Other patients can benefit from our services, such as patients in same-sex relationships, single women trying to get pregnant without a partner, and women interested in fertility preservation by freezing eggs,” notes Dr. Molinaro.

One of the many ways infection prevention awareness is heightened globally is through International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW), observed annually in the third week of October. IIPW is critical in educating healthcare professionals and the public about the importance of infection control practices.

In the classic sci-fi series "Star Trek," humans often relied on their tricorders—handheld devices capable of diagnosing nearly any ailment in seconds. People have long dreamed of a world where machines could identify our medical problems with certainty. While such technology is still far in the future, recent advances in artificial intelligence have made this vision seem less fantastical.

sonographer scanning a patient's thyroid

Access to care has become a top issue in the hereditary cancer community now that genetic testing has become so widely available. This is especially of concern for previvors, individuals with a known genetic risk of cancer but who have not been diagnosed with the disease, as well as survivors, who may be at heightened risk of other types of cancer as well as recurrence.

Physiatry is commonly referred to as the practice of physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R). PM&R doctors work in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Patients receive these services following an injury, illness, or disabling condition that affects not just the bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons—as one might expect—but the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, too.

Physical Therapist and Patient

Working in healthcare is one of the best ways to ensure that one’s work has a daily, measurable impact on people. While many may think they need to study for years to get the very best healthcare jobs, the truth is that there are many careers in the field that require less educational investment, yet are in high demand.