Professors of Clinical Laboratory Science You Should Know
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Chemistry, biology, nanotechnology … as a clinical scientist, you work with all of these and more in order to help the medical community and ultimately the general public better understand diseases and other medical conditions, and how best to contain and cure them. From looking at bloodborne pathogens to understanding how to improve patient outcomes, science is at the core of every medical profession, and clinical science crystallizes these vitally important processes and drives research about how diseases are spread. The work is detailed, and relies on creative application of science to healthcare problems, along with a keen attention to detail and process, and great observational skills. To become a clinical scientist, you must have a strong educational background in the sciences, to serve as a foundation for the clinical work. And the quality of said foundation relies not only on the degree program you select, but also (and perhaps especially) on the ability of your professors to impart vital information that you can retain and apply in clinical settings. As our list will demonstrate, several of the most influential professors of clinical science work at community colleges, technical schools, and state universities, which just goes to show that you can learn on any budget – as long as you make sure that you learn from the best.

Shauna Anderson Young
PhDBrigham Young University - Provo , UT
Dr. Young has been teaching Clinical Chemistry and Hematology at BYU for over 35 years. For the last five, she has also acted as the Chair of the Professional Standards Committee for the ASCLS in addition to being the Assistant Dean of the Life Sciences Student Services Department. She is a Past President of the NAACLS Board of Directors (2007-2008), Chair of the Hematology Scientific Assembly (2008-2010), and the Department Chair of the Microbiology (1997-2001) and Biology Office (2001-2007).

Kathy Doig
PhD, MLS(ASCP)SHcmMichigan State University - East Lansing , MI
Dr. Doig teaches Hematology, Hemostasis, and Urinalysis in addition to being an active leadership member of the ASCLS. She is a Past President for the Michigan chapter of the organization and has served leadership roles in the national chapter as well. In 1998, she was named the National ASCLS Member of the Year and recently received the Mendelson Award for her work with the National Credentialing Agency for Laboratory Personnel (NCA).

J. Lynne Williams
PhDOakland University - Rochester , MI
Dr. Williams is the Program Director for the Biomedical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Sciences Program at Oakland University. Through her dedication, the program has been fully developed and become nationally recognized for its excellence. She is also active in the ASCLS, acting as the Coordinator of the Scientific Assemblies for the national chapter. She is the co-editor of the nationally-recognized textbook Clinical Laboratory Hematology and has won the Joseph Kliener Award for Outstanding Scientific Article in the Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science twice.

Nadine A. Fydryszewski
PhD, MLS(ASCP)Rutgers University - Newark , NJ
Dr. Fydryszewski is the MS-CLS Program Director and professor of Clinical Laboratory Sciences at Rutgers. Her work with the ASCLS earned her the Presidential Honor Roll for Outstanding Service in 2007. In addition, she has received several Excellence in Teaching Awards (1996) and the New Jersey Outstanding Medical Technologist of the Year from the NJSCLS (1992). Her research interests are in increasing student outcomes and interests in Clinical Science programs

Tim Randolph
PhDSaint Louis University - Saint Louis , MO
Dr. Randolph has been recognized for his excellence in research and clinical science technique. He has received many awards in the field for his research papers, including the ASCLS Distinguished Author Award (2006), the ASCLS Professional Achievement Award in Hematology (2007), and the Kleiner Memorial Award for Best Scientific Article (2010). He currently teaches Hematology, Clinical Hematosis Practicum, and Research Methods.

Pat Tille
PhDSouth Dakota State University - Brookings , SD
Dr. Tille is the MLS Program Director at South Dakota State in addition to teaching Diagnostic Microbiology, Diagnostic Immunology, and Molecular Diagnostics. She is also a Past President of the ASCLS (2004-2006), and acts as the Continuing Education Coordinator and Microbiology Scientific Assembly Chair for the organization. Her research has put both her and her program on the map, and in 2005 she earned the ASCLS Professional Achievement Award in Microbiology. She also received the ASCLS National BioRad Professional Achievement Award in Molecular Diagnostics (2011), and is author of Bailey and Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology (Elsevier, 2014).

Rodney E. Rohde
MS, SV, SM(ASCP)cm MBcmTexas State University - San Marcos , TX
Dr. Rohde has been honored at both the state and national levels for his commitment to teaching excellence and research in the Clinical Science field. He was the 2015 ASCLS Education and Research Award winner as the Clinical Laboratory Science Best Article of the Year Award. He has won numerous awards for his teaching and mentorship, including the Texas State Excellence in Mentoring Award (2015) and the John and Suanne Roueche Excellence Award for Teaching (2015). His research on rabies and MRSA twice earned him the ASCLS Scientific Research Award (2007, 2014). And as recipient of the 2015 #urEssential Award from Cardinal Health, a $20,000 donation will be made to the school of Dr. Rohde's choosing as scholarship funding for students seeking careers in laboratory science.

Tera Webb
MS, MLS(ASCP)cmUniversity of Alabama - Birmingham , AL
Dr. Webb's significant contribution to the ASCLS recently earned he the National Key to the Future Award (2014). She also currently teaches Clinical Microbiology, Clinical Chemistry, and Infectious Diseases at the University of Alabama. Dr. Webb brings professional experience as a Clinical Microbiologist to her courses, and her students benefit from her leadership and mentoring skills.

Mary Ann McLane
PhD, MLS(ASCP)cmUniversity of Delaware - Newark , DE
Dr. McLane is nationally recognized for her teaching ability, having won the Carnegie Foundation US Professor of the Year (Delaware, 2010). She is also recognized for her professional service, earning the Robin H. Mendelson Memorial Award from the ASCLS (2001, 2011) and the ADVANCE Laboratorian of the Year (1999). She currently teaches Clinical Chemistry, Urinalysis and Body Fluids, and Laboratory Mathematics.

Karen Honeycutt
MEd, MLS(ASCP)cm SMcmUniversity of Nebraska Medical Center - Omaha , NE
Dr. Honeycutt acts as the Program Director and as a professor in the department of Clinical Science Education at UNMC. Her student-focused teaching style earned her the UNMC Faculty Senate Teacher of the Year Award (1996) as well as the Outstanding Leadership & Service Award (2005). Her research, which has been published in Clinical Laboratory Science and Radiology Management Journal, focuses on improving the rigor of CLS program materials.

Susan J. Beck
PhD, MLS(ASCP)cmUniversity of North Carolina - Chapel Hill , NC
Dr. Beck is a vital part of the ASCLS community, serving as the current representative to the ASCP Board of Certification. In addition, she is both a didactic professor (Immunohematology, Clinical Laboratory Analysis, and Transfusion Medicine Services) as well as the Director of the Clinical Science Program at the University of North Carolina.

Kathy Kenwright
MS, MT(ASCP)SI, MBUniversity of Tennesee - Memphis , TN
For over 30 years, Kathy Kenwright has been incorporating her microbiology and molecular diagnostics experience into classrooms around the country. She acts as a member of the Tennessee Medical Laboratory Board and as a member of the review committee for programs accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science (NAACLS).

Linda Pifer
PhD, SM(ASCP)cm, GS(ABB)University of Tennessee - Memphis , TN
A celebrated researcher, teacher, and fundraiser, Dr. Pifer has been awarded over two million dollars in research funds from organizations like the National Institute of Health (NIH), American Cancer Society, and the Kellogg Foundation. She has published over 60 peer-reviewed articles on topics such as HIV/AIDS and nanotechnology in the medical field and was one of the original AIDS Working Group members in the early 1980s. She currently serves on the editorial board of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology.

Linda A. Smith
PhD, MLSUniversity of Texas Health Science Center - San Antonio , TX
Dr. Smith is a professor and the Chair of the Clinical Laboratory Sciences at the University of Texas Health Science Center. She has been published numerous times in Clinical Laboratory Science, with a research focus on transfusion viruses and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. She is a Past President of the ASCLS (2012-2013) and has been the Chair of the NAACLS.

Yasmen Simonian
PhD, MLS(ASCP), FASAHPWeber State University - Ogden , UT
Dr. "Yas" Simonian has been actively involved in the ASCLS for many years, serving as a past Chair of the Hematology/Hemastastis Scientific Assembly and Co-Chair of Scientific Assemblies nationwide. She has also served as the President of the ASCLS in her home state of Utah and as a National Delegate. She recently received the Spirit of American Woman Award in Higher Education (2001) and was recognized for her work with web-based curriculum by the International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL). She was also awarded Utah Professor of the Year (2005) by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).
Each of the members on this list have been chosen through careful research based on the following criteria:
Active Teaching. All of these professors are actively teaching or mentoring students at an accredited college.
Publication. Many of these professors have been published in online or print professional journals.
Thought Leadership. Professors on this list have been chosen due to their leadership in the Clinical Science community, based on speaking engagements, public leadership, or social media following.
Extracurricular Involvement. Each of these individuals are involved in both teaching and outside professional engagements, such as professional communities, educational organizations, or industry advocacy and activism groups.