Top Phlebotomy Professors
Although phlebotomists are often overlooked in the medical pantheon, they are some of the most important members of the medical team. Not only do they draw blood, they handle, coagulate, and test blood for a variety of pathogens. As you consider whether phlebotomy is the right choice for you, and determine your academic path to practice, take a closer look at these professors, who are leading scholars, teachers and practitioners in the field.

Thomas S. Kickler
MDJohns Hopkins University - Baltimore , MD
Dr. Kickler is the Director of Phlebotomy Services at Johns Hopkins University. He also brings significant experience in blood pathology and hematology to his courses, since he directs JHU labs in those areas. He is the author of over 150 peer-reviewed articles, including his work with Jerry L. Spivak on the groundbreaking paper, "Effect of Repeated Whole Blood Donations on Serum Immunoreactive Erythropoietin Levels in Autologous Donors."

Kathleen Hoag
Ph.D, MLS(ASCP)CMMichigan State University - East Lansing , MI
For the past 13 years, Kathleen Hoag has been teaching in the Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics Program at Michigan State University. She teaches Immunology primarily, but also Medical Literature and Phlebotomy. The College of Natural Science at MSU awarded her the Teacher-Scholar Award (2005) because of her medical mentorship excellence. In addition, she won the MSU Excellence in Teaching Award in 2013. Her background in Immunology gives her Phlebotomy courses added depth that her students enjoy.

Susan Phelan
PhD, MHS, MT(ASCP)Moraine Valley Community College - Palos Hills , IL
Dr. Phelan is one of the industry's pre-eminent publishers, writers, and lecturers. She penned "The Phlebotomy Techniques Curriculum Guide," and workbook, which is used by college students around the country. She is an active member in several organizations, including the ASCP and the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Services (NAACLS). She is the immediate Past Phlebotomy Educator Liaison for the NAACLS, and served on the Programs Approval Review Committee (PARC) as its Chair.

Carlo Ledesma
MS, SH(ACSP)CM, MT(ACSPi) MT(AMT)Rose State College - Midwest City , OK
Carlo Ledesma is very active in his teaching responsibilities as well as local and national professional organizations. He is the Director of the Rose State College CLT/Phlebotomy Program and he teaches several Phlebotomy and medical courses. He has been recognized by the ASCP with the Regional Member Award (2010) as well as one of the top 5 in the 40 Under 40 Top Professionals (2014).

Sean Ahrens
BS, MLS, (ASCP) CMRutgers University - New Jersey , NY
Sean Ahrens is an acclaimed researcher and teacher at the notable Rutgers Phlebotomy program. He also acts as the Program Director in addition to his teaching duties. He has been involved in a number of high-profile research projects which have been published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. His excellence in teaching resulted in receipt of the Stanley S. Bergen Jr. Medal of Excellence.

Julie Mumm
MBA, MT(ASCP) MNSt. Catherine University - St. Paul/Minneapolis , MN
Julie Mumm is a professor and the Director of the Phlebotomy Certificate Program at St. Catherine University. She is also an active member of the ACSP, and currently serves as a member of the Phlebotomy Examination Committee. Mumm also works locally for the Minnesota Community Health Work Alliance, and has been a guest speaker at several of their conventions. Her students regard her as a difficult but innovative teacher.

Kathleen Finnegan
MS, MT(ASCP)SHStony Brook University - Stony Brook , NY
Kathleen Finnegan teaches Phlebotomy at Stony Brook, in addition to being the Department Chair for Clinical Laboratory Services and Program Director of the Phlebotomy Training Program. She is often asked to speak at schools and industry conferences, and recently was nominated as the ACSPI International Liaison. Although she is not an "easy" instructor, past students call her "helpful, kind, and approachable."

Elisabeth J. Wilder
MDTufts Medical Center - Boston , MA
Dr. Wilder is an assistant professor at Tufts University, and teaches the second-year medical Phlebotomy course. She is best known for her hands-on teaching style, as well as her dedication to seeing students through to graduation. In 2005, she won the 2005 Milton and Natalie Zucker Clinical Teaching Prize for innovative teaching methods.

Sherif A. Rezk
MDUniversity of California - Irvine - Irvine , CA
Dr. Rezk is the Medical Director the UC-Irvine Phlebotomy program, which is consistently rated in the top 20 in the nation. Rezk is best known for his extensive experience with Pathology and Hematopathology, and he has published a number of influential papers. In addition to his work as a Phlebotomy instructor, he also contributes thryoid research to publications like "Pathology and Laboratory Medicine," and "The American Journal of Clinical Pathology."

Angella Charnot-Katsikas
MDUniversity of Chicago - Chicago , IL
As an assistant professor and the Medical Director of Phlebotomy and Pre-Analytical Services at the University of Chicago, Dr. Charnot-Katsikas works closely with students inside and outside of class. Her passion is Virology and Medical Microbiology as well as patient-centric Phlebotomy practices. She is a regular publisher of her research, and her innovative work can be found in the Journal of Medical Microbiology and the Journal of Experimental Medicine.

Peter H. Gilligan
PhDUniversity of North Carolina - Chapel Hill , NC
Dr. Gilligan is the Director of Phlebotomy Services at the UNC School of Medicine. His focus is on working with practicum students in the college-run laboratory. Under his watch, the student-staffed clinic has improved patient satisfaction outcomes by between 85%-91.4%. His background in diagnostic bacteriology give him a unique perspective on Phlebotomy, leading a suprisingly low rate of student contamination in patient blood samples.

Valorie Buchholz
RN, BSN, CCRCUniversity of North Carolina - Chapel Hill , NC
Valorie Buchholz is not only one of the few RNs on this list, she is an innovative teacher of a specialized Phlebotomy program specifically for Clinical Researchers. Her four-week program allows working Clinical Researchers to gain certification in Phlebotomy from some of the best professors in the field. Buchholz is UNC's Associate Director for Clinical Trial Quality Assurance, and focuses her teaching on sterile blood-drawing techniques.

Cindy M. McGrath
MDUniversity of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia , PA
Dr. McGrath serves her Phlebotomy students by monitoring them during their Student Fellowships and lecturing on Blood Cytopathology. Her specialty is Gynecologic Cytopathology, and she has directed several research studies on HPV DNA testing and fine needle aspiration. She is highly awarded from her past schools, and she is an active participant in the American Society of Cytopathology (ASC) and the College of American Pathologists (CAP).

Karen A. Brown
MSUniversity of Utah - Salt Lake City , UT
Karen A. Brown is a sought-after lecturer and professor, largely due to her knowledge and experience in Phlebotomy, Hematology, and Blood Pathology. She has taught lectures around the world - including to healthcare professionals in Africa and South America - focusing on her passion of teaching sterile phlebotomy techniques in high-risk locations. She is the Program Director of the Medical Laboratory Science Program at UU and is an active member of the ASCP.

David Chou
MDUniversity of Washington - Seattle , WA
Dr. Chou brings a background of informatics to his Phlebotomy teaching. In addition to being the Directory of Phlebotomy Services at the University of Washington, he is the Chief Technology Officer, Director of the Informatics Lab, and Director of the POC Testing Lab. In his courses, students learn about how to analyze serum and plasma using a variety of technologies.

Meera Chandrashekar
MBBSVanderbilt University - Nashville , TN
Meera Chandrashekar teaches Techniques of Phlebotomy and Placement of IV Catheter at Vanderbilt University. She has taught in colleges around the world, including India, Jamaica, and the West Indies. She is also an active member of the International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS). For students, Chandrashekar is an excellent choice as she brings a wealth of both Phlebotomy and Anesthesia experience into her lectures.

Kimberly W. Sanford
MDVirginia Commonwealth University - Richmond , VA
Dr. Sanford brings a wealth of blood Pathology expertise to her Phlebotomy teaching. Her in-depth teaching style has earned her a wide array of awards, including the Outstanding Teacher Award in Pathogenesis (2010, 2011, 2012) and the 2011 ASCP Mastership Award. She is also active in a number of Phlebotomy organizations such as the American Association of Blood Banks, the College of American Pathologists, and the ASCP.
Each of the members on this list have been chosen through careful research based on the following criteria:
1. Active Teaching. All of these professors are actively teaching at an accredited college or university.
2. Publication. Many of these professors have been published in online or print professional journals.
3. Thought Leadership. Professors on this list have been chosen due to their leadership in the phlebotomy community, based on speaking engagements, public leadership, or social media following.
4. Extracurricular Involvement. Each of these individuals are involved in both teaching and outside professional engagements, such as professional communities, educational organizations, or political activism groups.